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To renew or update your membership, log into your profile with your email address on file, enter your password and follow suggested actions on your profile screen.

If you have signed up for auto renewal, you do not need to take any action now.  Your credit card on file will be automatically charged $325 on January 1, 2024.

Don't know your password?  Reset it here:


**For new members, please email membership@mtparannorthside.com to be put into the system. You will then be able to pay dues using a credit card.**


Alternatively, you may send a check payable to "MPNCA" for $325.00 to:

Mt Paran-Northside Citizens Association

1266 W Paces Ferry Rd. Box 304

Atlanta, GA 30237

Please include names of members, address, phone numbers, and email addresses.

If you have any questions, please contact mailto:membership@mtparannorthside.com

MPNCA Membership

The Mt. Paran-Northside Citizens Association was organized in October 1984 as a nonprofit tax exempt corporation under the provisions of Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Its area is bounded by Northside Drive (also including Broadland and Hillside) on the east and I-75 on the west and extends from Nancy Creek on the south of Long Island Creek on the north. According to the Bylaws, the objectives and purposes of the Corporation are to organize the residents of the Area and other interested persons; to keep its members informed of the problems and needs of the Area; to promote forum for their concerns relating to the Area; and to promote the interests and maintain the integrity of the Area. The Association includes more than 1,200 homes within our boundaries. The majority of the area is within the boundaries of the City of Atlanta with approximately 9% of the area within the City of Sandy Springs. Here is more about MPNCA:


Employ off-duty Atlanta Police Officers and maintain a patrol car with various patrol hours for our area, typically around 70 hours.

Direct number and email to security

Out-of-town monitoring- once notified, our officers daily check your property with a walk-around, brings in boxes, mail or newspapers.

Maintain strong communications channels and neighborhood interaction with Atlanta and Sandy Springs Police, Fire, and Emergency Services departments

Has an active security committee that monitors all activities

Weekly security newsletter with updates


Maintain strong relationships with our elected representatives and commissioners from the Cities of Atlanta and Sandy Springs and Fulton County

Provide strong representation on Neighborhood Planning Units A, Buckhead Council of Neighborhoods and has a Sandy Springs Board Member Representative

Monitors the actions of local government for decisions that affect our lives


MPNCA online membership directory

MPNCA annual meeting

Maintains email grid and website

Organizes seminars and forums on timely issuesNeighborhood events and socials

Join Today – Dues are $325.00 through December 2023.

If you have any questions, please contact membership@mtparannorthside.com.


Mt. Paran~Northside Citizens Association
1266 W Paces Ferry Rd. Box 304
Atlanta, GA 30327


The Mt. Paran~Northside Citizens Association is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization. 

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